
Master the art of the big three: squat, bench, and deadlift. Join Ironside Training to discover your powerlifting potential.

Physical Benefits:

Strength Gain: Powerlifting focuses on heavy, compound movements, leading to substantial increases in overall strength. Regular training can help individuals lift heavier weights over time.

Muscle Mass: Powerlifting routines often involve high-intensity, low-repetition training, which can contribute to significant muscle hypertrophy (growth). This is particularly beneficial for individuals looking to build muscle mass.

Improved Body Composition: Powerlifting, combined with proper nutrition, can help decrease body fat and increase lean muscle mass, leading to improved body composition.

Functional Strength: The lifts in powerlifting mimic natural human movements, promoting functional strength that is useful in everyday activities.

Increased Metabolism: Lifting heavy weights increases resting metabolic rate, aiding in weight management and fat loss when combined with a balanced diet.

Joint Health: Powerlifting strengthens the muscles around joints, enhancing stability and reducing the risk of injuries. However, it's crucial to use proper form to prevent joint strain.

Bone Density: Weight-bearing exercises like powerlifting contribute to higher bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis and improving overall bone health.

Mental Benefits:

Confidence: Progressing in powerlifting, whether it's lifting heavier weights or improving form, boosts confidence and self-esteem.

Focus and Discipline: Powerlifting training requires focus, discipline, and consistency. Learning and mastering the techniques of the lifts necessitate mental concentration.

Goal Achievement: Powerlifting provides clear goals in the form of lifting specific weights. Achieving these goals, whether in training or competition, fosters a sense of accomplishment and motivation.

Stress Relief: Like all forms of exercise, powerlifting triggers the release of endorphins, which can help reduce stress and improve mood.

Community and Support: Powerlifting communities often provide a strong support network. Training with others, receiving feedback, and participating in competitions can foster a sense of belonging and motivation.

Resilience: Powerlifting involves handling heavy weights, which requires mental resilience and determination. Overcoming training plateaus and challenges can build mental toughness.

Improved Sleep: Regular physical activity like powerlifting can improve sleep quality, helping with overall well-being.

As with any strength training program, it's important to have proper form and, ideally, guidance from experienced coaches to prevent injuries and maximize the benefits. Individuals should consult healthcare providers before starting any new exercise program, especially if they have pre-existing health conditions.

Programming is the best way to go

Schedule a free 15-minute consultation. Tour the facility and chat with our coaches about your goals and how we can help.


Choose a training frequency of 2-4 times a week and get paired up with a coach whose semi-private hours best fit your schedule. We have coach availability throughout the week, AM and PM!


Train with your coach and small group during your designated semi-private hours. Follow the customized Ironside Method program written by your coach to achieve your goals.


What is powerlifting?

Powerlifting is the celebration of human strength, the essence of pushing beyond your limits to unearth your potential. At its core, it involves three foundational lifts: the squat, bench press, and deadlift. It's more than just lifting heavy weights. It’s a commitment, a discipline, a path to self-discovery. It’s about proving to yourself, time and again, the magnitude of your inner and outer strength. It's about the journey of self-improvement and self-empowerment, and at Ironside, it’s how we forge our best selves.

Is powerlifting healthy in the long run?

Absolutely, powerlifting is a beacon of long-term health when approached with respect, dedication, and intelligence. Beyond the incredible physical transformations, the fortification of the mind is paramount. It bolsters mental tenacity and resilience, shaping a robust mindset that permeates every aspect of life. It's not just about building muscle and bone density, reducing the risk of disease and injury – it’s about enhancing your overall quality of life, providing a stable foundation of wellbeing that stands unwavering through the trials of life. At Ironside, we champion this holistic approach to health, guiding you through a balanced journey of strength training, ensuring your longevity and vitality in the realm of powerlifting.

Is it bad for your joints?

Like any physical endeavor, powerlifting demands respect for your body's boundaries and a commitment to proper form and technique. With the right guidance, preparation, and recovery, it not only protects your joints but also strengthens them. It’s about learning to listen to your body, honoring its signals, and adapting your training to fortify your physical form. At Ironside, we prioritize your health and longevity. We emphasize impeccable form, personalized programming, and adequate recovery to ensure your joints thrive alongside your growing strength, ensuring you lift not just heavy, but also smart and sustainable.

Will powerlifting make me too big?

Powerlifting is not a journey to "bigness," but a quest for strength, empowerment, and self-realization. Your physique's transformation is a celebration of your dedication, a testament to your personal growth and hard-fought victories over your limitations. It's not about conforming to societal standards or shrinking to fit a mold. It’s about breaking those molds and redefining what your ideal is. Powerlifting helps you sculpt a body that reflects your strength, tenacity, and discipline, not just a reflection of societal expectations.

Is powerlifting safe for beginners?

Absolutely. Every champion was once a beginner. Powerlifting is a journey that welcomes all, irrespective of your starting point. At Ironside, we ensure the path is paved with meticulous guidance, supportive community, and individualized programs tailored to your pace and potential. Our experts are dedicated to ensuring your form, technique, and progress are anchored in safety, fostering a seamless and confident ascent in your powerlifting journey.

Can women do powerlifting?

Without a doubt. Powerlifting is not the domain of a single gender; it’s the realm of strength and determination. Women around the world are shattering the stereotypes, lifting incredible weights, and showcasing unmatched resilience and prowess. At Ironside, we honor and uplift every woman’s voice and value in the powerlifting community. Here, celebrate your strength, unleash your potential, and stand tall in the unity of diverse, powerful women, transcending limits together.

Is powerlifting appropriate for older individuals?

Indeed, age is but a number in the landscape of iron and strength. Powerlifting offers boundless opportunities for individuals of all ages to cultivate strength, enhance physical health, and fortify mental resilience. At Ironside, we embrace and honor the wisdom and experience that older individuals bring to our community. With tailored programs, attentive guidance, and a steadfast commitment to your health and well-being, flourish in the enduring journey of strength and empowerment.

Do I need special equipment for powerlifting?

Powerlifting does necessitate specific equipment to enhance safety and performance. However, at Ironside, you’re not alone in navigating these necessities. We provide comprehensive insight into the essential gear, from weightlifting belts to knee sleeves, ensuring you are equipped with reliable and quality apparatus, fortifying your lifts and safeguarding your journey.

How do I start my powerlifting journey?

Your expedition into the world of powerlifting begins with a single, courageous step. At Ironside, we are here to hold the space for your beginnings, to guide, support, and witness your evolution. Embark upon your journey with a Free Consultation, allowing us to understand your goals, assess your starting point, and craft a pathway aligned with your aspirations and potentials. Your time is now; let the adventure unfold, and step into the empowering world of powerlifting with Ironside.

Join us today!