ironside semi-private coaching: our method

As a Portland-based Powerlifting gym, Ironside has a unique coaching method. At other gyms, you’ll find group classes or personal training sessions- but we do things differently. 

Ever wondered why semi-private is our preferred style or want to know what to expect if you’re interested? Find out below. 

  1. What is semi-private? The Ironside Method.

Ironside’s primary training focus is semi-private barbell training. 

We believe that the barbell is a metaphor for life. The struggles in the gym allow us to handle anything else tossed our way. Through gaining strength, one also gains confidence, builds character, and unlocks their potential. 

All of a sudden, unlimited possibilities flow, with new goals to strive toward. 

You become addicted to improvement: it’s a target you can’t stop chasing. 

You build work ethic: discipline and consistency become inevitable qualities embedded into your soul, and you find a space to channel anything life throws at you. When the dark storms of the world run rampant, you have a place to feel grounded. 

You transform into a different version of yourself- still, you, just as you are, simply stronger, empowered, tapping into your badassery. 

You become an athlete. 

This is why we’re so passionate about barbell training. 

That’s a topic for a different day-but one that’s essential to what Ironside is all about. 

So, you better believe that if you come to Ironside, you’ll be training with some barbells. No matter who you are, you can gain strength and learn how to squat, bench press, and deadlift. There is no barrier to entry: it’s open to all. 

The most beautiful revolution comes when community and barbells are incorporated. The ability to connect with individuals on similar paths as you-all in the pursuit of getting stronger- is something that can only be described as “really fucking cool.” You create lifelong relationships, and each other’s wins become your own. When you fall, five other hands pick you back up. 

Here at Ironside, we seek to blend those two worlds. Enter: semi-private coaching. 

What does that entail?

-You, training alongside 3-5 other humans, all doing major barbell lifts

-Coach provides programming & watches each athlete’s top sets, providing hands-on guidance and feedback

-Programs involve similar movements (i.e., squat, bench press, deadlift variants, accessories) but are altered based on individual needs

-Programs are 4-weeks long and progressive: each training block is based on the last and prepares you for the next- whether that be a new PR, a powerlifting meet, etc.

-A supportive environment where fellow athletes cheer each other on and build camaraderie.

Yeah, it sounds pretty incredible, right? But I’m not biased at all.

Why is this style better than other forms of coaching?

2. Why semi-private?

A) It promotes a team environment.

Training with friends is more fun than training solo. Simple as that. 

A common phrase we use at Ironside is, “To go fast, go alone. To go far, go together.”

There’s only so much you can accomplish without the guidance and support of those around you. You’ll inevitably hit a wall, unable to break that grueling plateau. 

With semi-private training, you have the support of multiple other humans on your back in every single session. You’re never left astray, never a shortage of smiles and warm hearts. 

While Powerlifting is often perceived as an individual sport- the goal is to be YOUR best self, and this style allows you to be part of a team. You create bonds that don’t break. You have a group of people who want you to succeed, witnessing every win and hardship, who understand what it takes. It’s so special yet rare. When you have the motivation and support from people on the same journey, you only learn greater lessons, reach bigger heights, and uplevel your standards. 

Plus, are you more likely to show up for a lift when there’s no one else there- or when you get to do it with people you love? With five other people counting on you for each session, you’re held accountable. Now all of a sudden, you’re not just letting yourself down, you’re part of a team. There’s a greater expectation there. 

There’s no question: semi-private training will make you a better and stronger athlete.

B) It allows you to be more independent.

Compared to one-on-one sessions, semi-private also allows for more independence over your training. 

You may have been there: hanging out in a session with a personal trainer, 

empty gym, 

doing the same exercises as last week, 

having them stare at you during the entire set, 

trying to make small talk. 

Don’t get me wrong- one-on-one training has its benefits & can be highly valuable: it's an option for our athletes.

But, most people can eventually transition into a less invasive model- especially if they have bigger goals. 

With semi-private, you are setting up your equipment, tracking your weights, responsible for showing up, etc., by yourself- but your coach is there to provide knowledge, guidance, and feedback. They still see you lift, helping make improvements and adjustments, they just aren’t staring at you for an hour straight. That way, you don’t have to rely on someone else for EVERYTHING. Once you get past the complete-newbie stage, you’re receiving the necessary guidance and attention without it being overloaded. 

C) It can be more efficient than other methods.

Not only are one-on-ones somewhat tedious, but they can also be expensive- and rightfully so, you’re getting full undivided attention for an hour at a time. But, this can be hard to schedule and can add up quickly. With semi-private, you’re sharing the cost and the space, allowing for more frequency and easier scheduling. These barriers are removed; producing greater consistency, adherence, and bang-for-your-buck.  

D) It’s the best of both worlds between group and private training.

A common problem we see with group classes is that they don’t produce results. If you love cardio-strength every week, go for it! But- if you’re looking to lift heavy weights and truly see progress over time- fitness classes won't be the catalyst.

In a group setting, it’s often people you don’t know, it can get monotonous, and potentially there’s an intimidation factor- leading to decreased consistency.

With semi-private training, customization is still an aspect: your program is tailored to your unique needs. You’re not just another dollar sign in a class full of people doing the same thing, over and over. Your plan is progressive, you’re always working toward a goal. You’re training, not just exercising: there’s a purpose. A well-intentioned and structured program allows you to make gains, bust through plateaus, and continue setting personal records. 

3. Who is semi-private for?

As mentioned before, one of the beauties of barbell training is that it’s open and accessible to everyone. There is no barrier to entry. The same holds for semi-private training. 

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced, elite Powerlifter, you can benefit from training with like-minded humans. It’s adjusted to fit your needs and experience level. The community can support you regardless of your numbers, and semi-private training highlights that. Your program might be different from the individual next to you, but building camaraderie, consistency, and being more independent will help you succeed no matter who you are. 

Want to get stronger and do so in a supportive environment? This training style is for you.

In the fitness and strength industry, there are many avenues one can embark on. From group classes to personal training sessions, countless options exist. Yet, here at Ironside- we do things differently. Semi-private barbell training is our method of choice, and there are many reasons why. From better progress to the strongest community you can find, it’s our preferred way to help people reach their goals. Come join us if you want to be strong and cool. It’s accessible to everyone. 


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